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Ministry of Culture

The Cultural Heritage of Himalayas


The objective of the scheme is to promote, protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the Himalayan region spreading in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh through research, documentation, dissemination, etc.

Criteria for Grants

  1. The voluntary organization should be registered as a society under the societies Registration Act 1860 or as a public trust under Indian Trust Act, 1882 and shall have been functioning for a period of three years.
  2. The Colleges and Universities are also eligible to apply.
  3. The organisation should have the capacity to undertake and promote research projects. It should have facilities, resources and personnel to implement the scheme for which the grant is required.
  4. The Colleges and Universities should introduce in their curricula or research course aspects of studies relating to preservation of Himalayan art and culture, in case not already done.
  5. A college applying for the grant should be affiliated to the University.
  6. The grants will be ad-hoc and of non-recurring nature.
  7. Grants from this scheme will be given only to those organizations which are not in receipt of grants from any other source for similar purposes.
  8. Organizations which are doing good work in the field and having resources for meeting matching funds will be given preference.

Purpose & quantum of assistance

The financial assistance is given for any of the items listed below up to a maximum of Rs.10.00 lakhs to any single organisation:

S.No. Items Maximum amount per annum
i. Study and research on cultural heritage Rs.10.00 lakhs
ii. Preservation of old manuscripts, literature, art & crafts and documentation of cultural activities/ events like music, dance, etc. Rs.10.00 lakhs
iii. Dissemination through audio-visual programmes of art and culture Rs.10.00 lakhs
iv. Training in Traditional and Folk Art Rs.10.00 lakhs

The maximum grant admissible to an organization would be 75% of the total expenditure to be incurred on any item subject to maximum ceiling fixed. The remaining 25% expenditure or more should be met by the State Govt./U.T. Administration failing which the grantee organization could contribute the amount from their own resources. However, in the case of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, funding will be shared between the Government of India and the organization in the ratio of 90:10 respectively.

Procedure for application

The organization shall submit complete application alongwith the following documents/information to judge the eligibility of the organization through the State Government, where the project is proposed to be implemented, to the Ministry of Culture. The organisations, however, located in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh & Leh and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir are exempted to submit their applications direct to Ministry of Culture only with the recommendation of concerned District Collector/Dy Commissioner. The Universities and Colleges shall forward their applications through the U.G.C to Ministry of Culture.

S.No. Documents/information
i Copy of the valid Registration Certificate clearly showing the validity of the Registration. The copy of the Registration Certificate will be duly certified by a Gazetted Officer.
ii Copy of Memorandum of Association
iii Copies of Audited Accounts for last three years.
iv Copies of Annual Report for last three years supported by documentary evidence of Achievements
v Write-up on the activity to be undertaken alongwith detailed break-up of the cost estimate, funds requirement from the Govt., other sources of funding, completion schedule of the project, etc.
vi Brief profile in case of research personnel.

Recommendation: The State Governments/District Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/UGC while recommending the proposal will:

  • Verify the Registration status of the organisation.
  • Certify that the voluntary organisation is capable of undertaking such projects.
  • Certify that project on the title/area proposed to be undertaken has not been undertaken in the past and it is a new project.
  • Recommend the activity/activities and the amount thereto.

For More Information: Ministry of Culture

Budhist & Tibetan Culture Art


To give financial assistance to the voluntary Buddhist/Tibetan organizations including Monasteries engaged in the propagation and scientific development of Buddhist/Tibetan culture, tradition and research in related fields.

Criteria for Grants

  • The voluntary Institutions/Organizations and Societies should be registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts.
  • Only those Organizations which are mainly devoted to Buddhist/ Tibetan studies and have been functioning at least for the last three years will qualify for applying for a grant.
  • The Organization should be of regional or all-India character;
  • The grants will be ad-hoc and of a non-recurring nature;
  • Grants from this scheme will be given only to those organizations which are not in receipt of grants from any other source for similar purposes.
  • Financial assistance may also be given for construction of hostel building, class rooms, school buildings and training centres ; and
  • Organizations which are doing good work in the field and having resources for meeting matching funds will be given preference.

Purpose and quantum of Assistance

Financial assistance is given for all or any of the items listed below upto a maximum of Rs.30.00 lakhs per year for any single organization. In case of the organizations of all-India character and running a school for imparting monastic education, the financial assistance may be given beyond the ceiling, on the recommendation of the Expert Advisory Committee and approved by the Minister (Culture) in consultation with the FA, Ministry of Culture.

S.No Items Maximum Amount per annum
i Maintenance (Salary of staff, Off. Exp/Misc. exp) Rs.5,00,000/-
ii Research Project on promotion of  Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture Rs.2,00,000/-
iii Purchase of books, documentation and cataloguing relating to Buddhism Rs.5,00,000/-
iv Award of scholarships to monk/nunnery students Rs.5,00,000/-
v Holding of special courses on promotion of Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture Rs.2,00,000/-
vi Audio- Visual Recording/Documentation/ Archiving of the traditional materials for preservation and dissemination of Buddhist Art & Culture Rs.5,00,000/-
vii IT upgradation and IT-enabled Teaching/ Training aids for monastic/nunnery schools Rs.5,00,000/-
viii Transport facilities for monastic/nunnery schools and monasteries located in remote areas Rs.5,00,000/-
ix Salary of teachers where organization is running a school imparting monastic/ nunnery education Rs.5,00,000/-
x Repairs, restoration, renovation  of ancient monasteries and Heritage Buildings  associated with Buddhism Rs.30,00,000/-
xi Construction/Repairs/Extension with toilet and drinking water for   Class Rooms, School Buildings, Hostels and Training Centres which are focused on Buddhist/ Tibetan Art and Culture as well as skill development of traditional craft for monastic/nunnery  school Rs.30,00,000/-

The maximum grant admissible to an organization would be 75% of the total expenditure to be incurred on any item subject to maximum ceiling fixed. The remaining 25% expenditure or more should be met by the State Govt./U.T. Administration failing which the grantee organization could contribute the amount from their own resources. However, in the case of North-Eastern States and Sikkim, funding will be shared between the Government of India and the State Government in the ratio of 90:10 respectively failing which the grantee organization could contribute from their own resources.

Procedure for application

The organization shall submit complete application alongwith the following documents/information to judge the eligibility of the organization through the concerned State Government/UTs. The organisation, however, located in North Eastern States, Sikkim, Leh and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir are exempted to submit their applications direct to Ministry of Culture only with the recommendation of concerned District Collector/Dy. Commissioner.

S.No Documents/information
i. Copy of the valid Registration Certificate clearly showing the validity of the Registration. The copy of the Registration Certificate will be duly certified by a Gazetted Officer.
ii. Copy of Memorandum of Association
iii. Copies of Audited Accounts for last three years.
iv. Copies of Annual Report for last three years.
v. Item-wise write-up on each activity to be undertaken incorporating detailed break-up of funds sought, no. of target beneficiary, time schedule of the Project, etc.
vi. List of books to be purchased and their cost, if applicable.
vii. Copy of registration certificate & other documents in proof of ownership of the land/building in case of civil construction, if applicable.
viii. Detailed Project Report for civil works incorporating information, inter-alia, total land availability, estimated cost item wise, phasing of expenditure, completion schedule, approved estimates from State PWD for each item, details of Architect, details of class rooms – whether primary or secondary, Number of class rooms, Number of students per class rooms, what are the courses to be offered and upto which class, etc., if applicable.
ix. Details of teachers - name, age, qualifications and salary paid. Proposal relating to Salary of Teachers will be subject to the following:
i. If the society is running a Monastic/Nunnery School in its building or it is running a school in its monastery.
ii.   Number of monk/nun students taking training in such school.
iii.  Number of teachers, their age and qualifications and salary paid to the teachers.
iv. Is the Monastic/Nunnery School affiliated with some local Education Board in the State or any other Educational Board?
v. Are the student’s day scholars or resident in the school?
x. Proposal relating to Award of Scholarship to students will be subject to the following conditions:- i. Criterion for selection of persons for payment of scholarship. ii. Does the organization notify in the beginning of the financial or academic year about the release of scholarship to the candidates to apply for scholarship? If yes mode of such notification and proof be given.

Recommendation : The State Governments/UTs, District Collector/Dy. Commissioner while recommending the proposal will verify the following:

  • Registration status of the organization.
  • Whether as per Memorandum of Association the objectives and activities of organisation are related to promotion of Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture.
  • In case funds are sought for IT upgradation, transport facilities, civil construction/ salary of teachers whether a Monastery, Monastic/Nunnery School exists/owned by the organisation.
  • Whether the organisation is capable of undertaking such projects.
  • Recommend the activity/activities and the amount thereto.

The Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh will act as ‘Help Window’, for the organisations located in Leh and Kargil districts of J & K.

For More Information: Ministry of Culture

Salary & Product Grant


The scheme will be titled "Financial Assistance to Professional Groups and Individuals engaged for specified Performing Arts Projects". Under this scheme financial assistance will be provided to dramatic groups, theatre groups, music ensembles, children theatre, solo artists and for all genres of performing arts activities.

The scheme will have the following major components:

  1. Salary Grant.
  2. Production Grant.

Eligibility and Criteria for grant

(a) Production Grant

  1. Grants or subsidies to be given for production under this scheme will be on the basis of approved projects or programmes and will be ad-hoc in character. The projects selected for financial assistance under this scheme shall normally be of the duration not exceeding one year. The amount of Grant will be sufficient to cover all items of expenditure included in the approved projects/programmes selected for assistance in a particular year. Amongst the items which may be treated as approved items for purpose of grant will be salary remuneration to artists including casual artists at prevalent rates, cost of productions/performance, rental for halls of rehearsals, cost of costumes, transport contingencies, research expenditure etc.
  2. The application for seeking Production Grant must contain detailed cost estimates with proper justification so that the Expert Committee could consider recommendation of grant based on actual requirement.
  3. In selecting individual projects for assistance, care will be taken to ensure that all different art forms and styles from all parts of the country are represented, giving due preference to rare and traditional forms.
  4. Special consideration will be given to projects which are aimed at encouraging experimental and innovative methodologies emerging out of original writing, original direction, theatre-research, theatre training programme or training of audience and those who foster cultural activities at the rural level.
  5. The grantees who are sanctioned Production Grant must provide their programme details to the Ministry of Culture so that the same can be uploaded in the websites of the Ministry of Culture.
  6. Organizations/Individuals seeking Production Grant are eligible to obtain only one grant in a year.

(b) Salary Grant

  1. The Group ensembles to be assisted for salary grant will be expected to have a repertoire of adequate number and quality and should have given performances on an all India basis.
  2. Those grantees, who are getting Salary Grant, would be recommended for renewal of Salary Grant only when they stage at least two productions during the financial year. Out of this at least one production must be a new production i.e. which has not been staged earlier.
  3. The salary grant will be reviewed annually by the Expert Committee set up for the purpose.

Advertisement seeking applications under the Scheme

  1. While an advertisement will be placed, annually, both on the website of the Ministry as well as in the print media, applications may be made (as per prescribed procedure contained in the advertisement) at any time during the financial year by applicants, which will be evaluated periodically by the Expert Committee set up for the purpose. The application should be duly recommended by concerned State Governments /U.T. Administrations or any of the State Academies or National Academies including National School of Drama (NSD), Kalakshetra Foundation, Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), Zonal Cultural Centers (ZCCs) and bodies of similar stature
  2. The application must be accompanied by documents as specified in Para-F below. Any application submitted without these documents is liable to be rejected.

Mode of Selection

  1. Production Grant/Salary Grant will be sanctioned by the Expert Committee constituted for the purpose. The constitution of the Expert Committee will be for two years and will be approved by the Ministry.
  2. The scrutiny of applications by the Expert Committee will be done periodically subject to the availability of funds and applications for the grant.
  3. While Production Grant will be disbursed in two installments of 75% and 25% respectively, the Salary Grant to organization/institutions will be released annually.

For More Information: Ministry of Culture

Cultural Functions Grant Scheme (CFGS)

  • Ministry of Culture announces the substantially modified ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance for Seminars, Festivals and Exhibitions on Cultural Subjects by Not-for-Profit Organisations’ or the Cultural Functions Grant Scheme (CFGS) in short. This Scheme, which provides financial support for seminars/symposia and research, etc., will now be open to assistance for holding festivals and exhibitions as well. All Not-for-Profit organizations, including the University Department/Centres are eligible to apply for this grant. The Government assistance which is limited to 75% of the project cost, has now a higher ceiling of Rs. 5 lakhs. Applications under the scheme can now be made round the year.
  • Applications are invited and the scheme as well as Application Form are available on the website of the Ministry: www.indiaculture.gov.in Organisations (excepting University Departments/Centres) that want to apply under the Scheme will first need to sign up/register with NGO Partnership National Portal: www.ngo.india.gov.in All filled up applications along with enclosures are required to be sent to Section Officer, S&F Section, NAI Building Back Side 2nd Floor Janpath Road, New Delhi-110001. The application should be addressed to the Section Officer (S&F), Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi. For any clarification please contact Section Officer (S&F) at Telephone No. 011-23389608.
  • The Scheme shall remain open throughout the year, but applications, duly filled in, would be taken up for consideration by the Expert Committee once every 6 to 10 weeks.

Source : Ministry of Culture

जोबथा दाफामनाय : 2/21/2020

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